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71 Results

Adult Activity Center

The Adult Activity Center offers classes and activities for adults over the age of 50 in Coral Gables.

Coral Gables Golf and Country Club

Constructed in 1924, this is a luxurious gem of the community is the ultimate guest experience in Coral Gables.

Plant Management

Information on swale landscaping recommendations, mangroves, pollinator areas, and the Million Orchid project.

Tree Pruning FAQs

Frequently asked questions about tree pruning in the City of Coral Gables.

Construction Projects

List and information for ongoing and completed projects by the City of Coral Gables

FPL Undergrounding

We are pleased to let city residents and businesses know that FPL plans to convert all neighborhood (lateral) lines from above ground to underground.

Landscape Permits

Information on the swale permit package and on tree removal, relocation, and pruning permits.

War Memorial Youth Center

The Coral Gables hub of activities and sports for young people and children of all ages.

Transportation Projects

The City of Coral Gables runs multiple projects to ensure the safe and effective use of our transport systems. Also learn more about traffic calming, Biltmore Way, and the Flagler Section.

Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is a way to slow traffic down in order to make streets safer for all modes of travel. It often involves changes to the physical design of roadways to discourage speeding traffic.