Search term: Services

135 Results

Live Local Act

City-owned land for the use of affordable housing.

Fire Alarm Application

Register your fire alarm with the city or update existing information.

Commercial Burglary Alarm Application

Register your commercial burglary alarm or update existing information.

Fee Schedule


This page holds notices to the public regarding all things related to the Procurement Division of the City of Coral Gables.

Report Traffic Enforcement Issues

Submit a report of traffic enforcement issues.

Report an Abandoned Vehicle

Submit a report of an abandoned vehicle.

Police Recognition

Submit a recognition of an outstanding Coral Gables police officer.

File a Claim

To file a claim against the City of Coral Gables, please complete and include all relevant supporting documents (such as receipts, canceled checks, estimates, billings, etc.) and/or additional

Electronic Submittal Guide

Explains digital signing, how to name your documents, and the sealing of drawings and documents through the use of PDF for the online permitting system.