Swale Responsibly

Swale responsibly. Living in a beautiful city takes a commitment from everyone in the community.

An often-overlooked part of a home’s front exterior is the swale. A swale is a low and often grassy area that stretches from the far edge in front of homes to the edge of the street. A well-kept swale helps neighborhoods look neat, protects homes by minimizing flooding when it rains, and protects the environment and the drinking water supply by acting as a filter to reduce pollutants that get washed up by stormwater.

In Coral Gables, trash pits or swales are used to collect yard debris and small household items. Here are the general guidelines within the city:

  • Green matter – Loose green matter such as trees, shrubs, branches and leaves can be placed out during the week.
  • Save it for six – Small household items, including trash bags regardless of contents, must only be placed out on the swale the night before your scheduled collection day after 6 p.m. 
  • Keep poop out of it – Dropping pet waste in the swale is not only unsightly but harms the environment.
  • Trash pit, not a dump – Schedule bulky items such as appliances and furniture for pick-up. The disposal of appliances must be scheduled in advance and there is a $50 fee per item for the collection. To schedule, email pwsolidwaste@coralgables.com or call 305-460-5346. Furniture must be placed out after 6 p.m. the night before your collection day.

Items not accepted in the swale include:

  • Garbage bags before 6 p.m. the day before pick-up
  • Pet waste bags
  • Cardboard
  • Construction materials, including glass, sand, and paint
  • Hazardous materials such as pesticides and household chemicals

Have household items not meant for your trash pit? The City of Coral Gables is proud to present the widely popular annual drive-thru recycling event where residents can dispose of these items responsibly twice a year. The next Recycling Drive-Thru for residents takes place on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the parking lot behind City Hall and for businesses on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit our recycling page for more information on this event and our trash page for more information on trash and swales. 

Remember to treat your swale and the earth kindly. It takes a community effort to keep Coral Gables and the earth clean and looking beautiful.