Search term: Services

27 Results


Transportation Transportation is a critical part of sustainability, as the transportation sector is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and makes up 46% of greenhouse

Fee Schedule

Management, Budget, and Compliance

Budget reports, strategic management, and internal audit information

Bicycling Coral Gables

About As people increasingly choose to use a bicycle over other forms of transport, traffic and emissions are reduced leading to a more livable Coral Gables. According to traffic data, providing bike

External Pages & Research Material

Access to sources of information for important codes and judicial material related to the City of Coral Gables.

Financial Transparency

OpenGov The city has partnered with OpenGov to provide residents, business owners and other stakeholders with an easy to use online tool that fosters financial and operational visibility, openness

IT Awards

All awards achieved by our outstanding IT department across the last few years.

OpenGov FAQ

FAQ regarding the OpenGov platform

Legal Opinions

Legal opinions from the City Attorney's Office

Cristina M. Suárez

Cristina M. Suárez was named City Attorney of the City of Coral Gables in 2023. She is the chief legal officer and general counsel for the city.