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Interior Remodel

Submit an application if you would like to remodel the interior of your home.

Replace My Driveway

Change My Windows

Administrative and Implementing Orders

All City Manager administrative and implementing orders

Starting a Business in Coral Gables

About The City of Coral Gables is committed to promoting and helping new businesses by creating a business-friendly environment. The following is a step-by-step guide to assist you in starting your

Submit a Sidewalk Café Permit

Guidance for submitting a Sidewalk Café Permit

Recommended Publications and Important Links

Recommended Publications and Important Links

Legacy Permit Inspections

About Find all permit requests and inspections from the old permitting system with the buttons below.

Legislative Priorities and Representatives

State and Federal representatives for the City of Coral Gables and legislative priorities

LGBTQ Services

The City of Coral Gables has designated LGBTQ liaisons to serve as resources and advocates for the LGBTQ community. The purpose of the LGBTQ liaisons is to strengthen the relationship between the