Search term: Services

8 Results

Give us your feedback

Residents and visitors, we want to know your satisfaction with the city's police services. Please help us provide you with the best service by taking this short survey .

Need permit help? Don't wait!

Going to visit the Development Services Building? Visitors can now check the wait times online before heading over to ensure a more expedient process. “Providing a glimpse into waiting times is part

The City Receives Donation of Pet Waste Stations

The donation will support the City Beautiful’s dog friendly initiative by providing dog owners with additional convenient ways to dispose of their dogs’ waste. Coral Gables, FL, Oct. 24, 2023 – The

Help us improve the Downtown experience

We want to create the right business environment with the right services you need to succeed. This survey will help us understand your needs for transportation in the business core.

Downtown Express starting Sept. 30!

The City of Coral Gables is launching trolley service from South Gables and the University of Miami to Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza on Saturday, Sept. 30, making it easier for residents and visitors

Reduce, reuse, recycle

The City of Coral Gables and Keep Coral Gables Beautiful were recognized by the Florida Beverage Association for the city's Reverse Vending Machine Recycling Incentive Program which was unveiled on

International Coastal Cleanup 2022

Get ready to join millions of volunteers around the globe for the Ocean Conservancy’s 37th annual International Coastal Cleanup – the world’s LARGEST one-day volunteer effort for our oceans and

Feel the Magic of the Holidays in Coral Gables!

The holidays are fast approaching and the City of Coral Gables invites you to experience the magic of the season at a variety of events throughout December. In addition to the many events planned