Effective October 1, 2024, the City of Coral Gables will publish legal ads and public notices on Miami-Dade County’s website in accordance with section 50.031(6), Florida Statues.

County Legal Ads & Public Notice
Miami-Dade County's legal ads and public notices
County Legal Ads & Public NoticeRecent Notices
Public Hearing Accessibility
Please contact Raquel Elejabarrieta if you need assistance in another language in order to speak during the public hearing or public comment portion of a meeting, or if you have a disability requiring communication assistance (such as a sign language interpreter or other auxiliary aide or service) in order to attend or participate in the meeting.
Please contact at least three (3) days before a meeting.
Non-Discrimination and ADA Coordinator Raquel Elejabarrieta, Esq., Director of Labor Relations and Risk Management contact info:
- E-mail: relejabarrieta@coralgables.com,
- Phone: 305-722-8686
- TTY/TDD: 305-460-5010