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19 Results

South Alhambra Bicycle Lanes Concept

Coral Gables wants to give residents the opportunity to review and provide their input on a bicycle lanes project along South Alhambra Circle from US 1 to Trionfo St. Below please find the South

Transportation Advisory Board

The purpose of the Board shall be to identify and recommend improvements to develop transportation connectivity of all modes to provide a variety of transportation alternatives. One of the primary

Sunrise Harbor Drainage Assessment

A plan to improve drainage and the neighborhood through managing flood severity and stormwater.

Certified Green Businesses

See all certified Green Businesses across platinum, gold, silver and bronze tiers.

Tree Management

Information on the local tree species in our area and tree projects carried out by the city.

Traffic Impact Studies

Process and methodology behind traffic impact studies.


Guidance for the use of fertilizers in Coral Gables. During the rainy reason, fertilizers are prohibited.

Cycling Organizations, Tours, and Shops

Local organizations and cycling groups across Florida, as well as local shops to purchase cycling gear.

Hermes Diaz

In April 2019, the City of Coral Gables appointed Hermes Diaz as Director of Public Works. In this role he leads the management of the City’s infrastructure services. He is responsible for automotive