Search term: Services

26 Results

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

External Pages & Research Material

Access to sources of information for important codes and judicial material related to the City of Coral Gables.

Permitting Assistance Program

The Coral Gables Permitting Assistance Program (PAP) is an economic development initiative established in 2012 to assist new-to-market and existing/expanding businesses obtain timely permits that will

Pinewood Cemetery

Pinewood Cemetery is located in the City of Coral Gables on Erwin Road (47th Avenue) south of Sunset Drive. It is the oldest cemetery south of the Miami River, and the final resting place of many of

Internships and Volunteering

The City of Coral Gables values the contributions made by students of all ages and backgrounds and is continuously seeking bright innovative, results-oriented individuals to join our internship

History of the Coral Gables Library

History of the Coral Gables Library since 1927 up to the modern day.

Cultural Grants

Cultural grant information and applications, including Coral Gables cultural connections.

Business Maintenance of Public Areas

An outline of maintenance responsibilities for commercial properties and business owners.

Art in Public Places

Public art and sculpture installations.

Legal Opinions

Legal opinions from the City Attorney's Office