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142 Results

Police Recognition

Submit a recognition of an outstanding Coral Gables police officer.

Report Traffic Enforcement Issues

Submit a report of traffic enforcement issues.

Replace My Driveway

Change My Windows


Transportation Transportation is a critical part of sustainability, as the transportation sector is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and makes up 46% of greenhouse

Bicycling Coral Gables

About As people increasingly choose to use a bicycle over other forms of transport, traffic and emissions are reduced leading to a more livable Coral Gables. According to traffic data, providing bike

Off Duty Permit Requests

Hiring an Off-Duty Police Officer Hiring an off-duty police officer involves hiring an active Coral Gables Police Department officer to provide armed security. Please read and follow the below

Fingerprinting Services

Cost Ink fingerprinting (paper & ink method): $20.00 Per Card Electronic fingerprinting: $20.00 Photos (Set of two): $10.00 Acceptable payment: Cash, Check, Debit or Credit Card Additional Information

Found Property

Information about the policies and procedures of found property, including listings of any recently found property.

Neighborhood Team Policing Unit

About Currently, the Police Department divides the city into 12-geographically based zones, each regularly patrolled on average by a Police Officer. Neighborhood Team Policing (NTP) is assembling