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66 Results

Report Missed Recycling Collection

Submit a report for a missed recycling service.

Report Missed Trash Pit Service

Submit a report for a missed trash pit service.

Report Potholes/Sinkholes

Submit a report for potholes or sinkholes in a roadway, alley, or sidewalk.

Request a Recycling Bin

Submit a request for a recycling bin.

Request Trash Pit Fill

Submit a request to have a trash pit/hole filled.

Sunrise Harbor Drainage Assessment

A plan to improve drainage and the neighborhood through managing flood severity and stormwater.

Sewers and Stormwater

About Stormwater runoff is managed separately from our sanitary sewer system which carries human waste and sewage through a series of manholes and gravity and force mains that connect to Miami-Dade

Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

Membership, meeting and general information about the SAB.

Sustainability Management Plan

City of Coral Gables created a Sustainability Management Plan. The plan identified projects the City can implement to can decrease our energy, water, and fuel consumption while increasing