Events Calendar

Search for events in Coral Gables including City Commission meetings, board meetings and advisory meetings.

(27) Events Found

Text with a purple pinkish hue background

Green Initiatives

NexTrex Unveiling

Guests can enjoy complimentary snacks while listening to a brief presentation about the new plastic bag and film recycling boxes located around the city. 

NexTrex Unveiling

Mari Tere Rojas headshot


School Board Chair Rojas’ Office Hours

Join School Board Chair Mari Tere Rojas on the first and third Thursday of every month for satellite office hours, located in the first floor conference room at Coral Gables City Hall.

School Board Chair Rojas’ Office Hours

graphic of shadows in the theater lit by the screen



A Saturday at the Cinema

Watch an acclaimed film at the Gables Art Cinema, sponsored by Commissioner Kirk Menendez.

A Saturday at the Cinema

dinosaurs stand in front of green trees with the center as title text


Jurassic Garden Adventure

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden will be transformed into the prehistoric adventure of Jurassic Garden until Sept. 2, 2024.

Jurassic Garden Adventure

graphic of shadows in the theater lit by the screen



A Saturday at the Cinema

Watch an acclaimed film at the Gables Art Cinema, sponsored by Commissioner Kirk Menendez.

A Saturday at the Cinema

graphic of leaves and flowers are in the corners with green and pink backgrounds. Text is in the center with a peach colored background

Green Initiatives

Fewell Park Invasive Plant Removal

Join us on Friday, June 28, from 10 a.m. to noon at Fewell Park, 950 Coral Way to remove invasive plants and replace them with native plants. 

Fewell Park Invasive Plant Removal

plants on the borders of text


Green Initiatives

End of Summer Downtown Community Cleanup

Collect litter and win great prizes at the End-of-Summer Downtown Community Cleanup!

End of Summer Downtown Community Cleanup