Sunshine Mtg Re: Business District Open Space

Sunshine Meeting Public Notice Re: Business District Open Space [PDF]

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Coral Gables, Florida, City Commission will be having a Sunshine Neighborhood Meeting for the purpose of discussing text amendments to the Zoning Code to create the Central Business District (CBD) Open Space Incentives Program to be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, October 23, 2023 at Police and Fire Headquarters, 2151 Salzedo St. The District is the area bounded by Navarre Avenue, Douglas Road, Almeria Avenue, and Le Jeune Road. The proposed text amendments incentivize additional open space in downtown Coral Gables. The Commission desires to incorporate additional open space adjacent to future development to beautify the area and enhance the pedestrian experience. The proposed Zoning Code text amendments to create the open incentive program are summarized below:

  1. Incentivize additional ground level open space at 5% increments to allow a building height of 137.5’
  2. Limit to MX2 zoning within the Central Business District (CBD)
  3. Prohibit within 100’ of Single-Family Residential (SFR) zoning
  4. Limit to share a property line with only MX2 or MX3 zoning
  5. Prohibit within the Miracle Mile Zain/Friedman Downtown Overlay District, Giralda Plaza Overlay District, and other  overlay districts within the CBD; and
  6. Require to meet the Coral Gables Mediterranean Style bonus Levels 1 and 2

The meeting may be attended by members of the City Commission and City Staff. Pursuant to the Sunshine Law, the meeting is open to attendance by the members of the public. Please forward to other interested parties.

The meeting will also be via Zoom at A dedicated phone line will also be available by dialing: (305) 461-6769, Meeting ID: 305 446 6800.

ADA Notice: The city welcomes individuals with disabilities.  To request a modification to a policy, practice or procedure or to request an auxiliary aide or service (such as a sign language interpreter) in order to participate in a city program, activity or event,  please contact the city’s ADA Coordinator Raquel Elejabarrieta or the Director of the sponsoring department at least three (3) business days in advance. ADA Coordinator Raquel Elejabarrieta may be reached by email:, or by telephone: 305-722-8686 (voice) or 305-442-1600 (TTY/TDD).