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19 Results

Pinewood Cemetery

Pinewood Cemetery is located in the City of Coral Gables on Erwin Road (47th Avenue) south of Sunset Drive. It is the oldest cemetery south of the Miami River, and the final resting place of many of

History of the Coral Gables Library

History of the Coral Gables Library since 1927 up to the modern day.

Sewers and Stormwater

About Stormwater runoff is managed separately from our sanitary sewer system which carries human waste and sewage through a series of manholes and gravity and force mains that connect to Miami-Dade

Cultural Grants

Cultural grant information and applications, including Coral Gables cultural connections.

Art in Public Places

Public art and sculpture installations.

Historical Landmarks

Historical Landmarks

Solar, Open Air Dining, and Other Permits

Solar Installation Requirements The City of Coral Gables wishes to promote and encourage new development utilizing sustainable design and construction best practices. It recognizes the positive

Flood Protection and Insurance

Flood Protection Because the City of Coral Gables is located in a unique geographical area, it is particularly susceptible to flooding from major rain events and storm surge. The city is surrounded by