Search term: Services

5 Results

Undergrounding of Utilities: What To Know

We are pleased to let city residents and businesses know that FPL plans to convert all neighborhood (lateral) lines from above ground to underground. For several years, the City of Coral Gables has

Stay Informed About Projects in Your Area

Interested in learning about development projects in your area? Sign up to receive email notifications of upcoming projects being reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission that are

Need permit help? Don't wait!

Going to visit the Development Services Building? Visitors can now check the wait times online before heading over to ensure a more expedient process. “Providing a glimpse into waiting times is part

Runoff Election is April 25

Visit our Elections page for more information! Coral Gables residents, the municipal runoff election is April 25. There are important changes to election laws. A request for a vote-by-mail (VBM)

Tuesdays with Tony

Tuesdays with Tony is a new Economic Development department initiative to assist new and existing businesses with one-on-one guidance regarding permits, plans submissions, code issues, and more. Tony