Events Calendar

Search for events in Coral Gables including City Commission meetings, board meetings and advisory meetings.

(3) Events Found

Giralda Live text over streetscape graphic




Giralda Live

Every first Friday of the month live music and activities head to Giralda Plaza. Enjoy music and watch the community come to life. 

Giralda Live

Postcard visual of Merrick House on warm sunny day with clouds and blue sky in the background and pink and white flowers on the sides



Garden Club Centennial Celebration

To commemorate our 100 years of service, Coral Gables Garden Club will host a free celebration and historic exhibit. 

Garden Club Centennial Celebration

Event title and info over a zoomed in flower



Villagers' Garden Tour

The Villagers’ Garden Tour is blossoming soon. All proceeds go toward the preservation and protection of historic sites.

Villagers' Garden Tour