Search term: Services

108 Results


Guidance for the use of fertilizers in Coral Gables. During the rainy reason, fertilizers are prohibited.

Protect Your Property

Protect Your Property. Minimize flood damage.

Solar, Open Air Dining, and Other Permits

Solar, Sidewalk Café, Open Air Dining, and Temporary Storefront Window permits.

Live Local Act

City-owned land for the use of affordable housing.

Traffic Impact Studies

Process and methodology behind traffic impact studies.

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Therefore, it is the policy of the City of Coral Gables that all personal information collected by city government Web site shall be subject to several principles.

King Tides

Frequently asked questions about King Tides and how to prepare.

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

Tree Management

Information on the local tree species in our area and tree projects carried out by the city.

City and Developer Projects

Be directed to the project information you're looking for, transportation/traffic calming, city construction, and large developer projects.